Here at Whitsunday Green, we have buyer incentives such as no body corporate fees, 5k landscaping contribution and prepared house & land packages.

For a limited time, Sanctuary Living is offering new purchasers a 5 year ‘No BC Fees’ period. This is not a loan or a deferred payment. Sanctuary Living commits to paying your body corporate fees for a full 5 years from the time of settling on your Land purchase. This is an incredibly unique offer and will provide new residents a little financial breathing room while they settle into their new home.
5K LandscaPing contribution
When building a home within a Body Corporate a deposit if often requested. This protects the Body Corporate against any damage that may occur to Body Corporate property during the building process. In this estate the Body Corporate requires a construction bond of $5,000 to be paid prior to any development works. Sanctuary Living is currently offering to pay this bond on your behalf and in your name therefore provided no damage is incurred and no bond claims are made, you will receive the $5,000 to put towards finishing of the finer details of your home (post construction). Perhaps some additional landscaping!
House & Land Packages
House and Land packages have been prepared with our local builder partner GJ Gardner Whitsunday Homes. These packages provide you the opportunity to see the style of home that could be built for certain budgets. You are not restricted to building the design that has been chosen nor the allotment it currently presents on. It does however provide a great starting point in which we will be able to work with you to create just the right home on just the right block!
Contact Kate Cross on 04 5801 6591
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